Title: Advancements in Magnetic Induction Communication for Wireless Underground Sensor Networks: An overview


Priya Sharma

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota- 324010, India

Pages: 21-25


Underground is a challenging environment for wireless communication because the propagation medium is soil, rock, water and no longer air. Wireless communication technique using electromagnetic (EM) wave do not work well in this environment due to high path loss, dynamic channel condition and large
antenna size. New propagation technique using magnetic induction (MI) solve problems of the EM wave technique. Underground Wireless Communication is the enabling technology to realize Wireless Underground Sensor Networks (WUSNs), which is used in a wide variety of novel applications, such as intelligent agriculture, diagnosis of pipeline fault, mine disaster rescue, and crude oil exploration.
Magnetic inductive(MI) waveguide is developed to cope with the very harsh propagation conditions in WUSNs. The objective of this paper is to give the overview about the development of MI communication technology specially for WUSNs.
