Title: Optimal Sizing & Siting of Capacitors in Radial Distribution System using Power Loss Sensitivity Technique


Sarfaraz Nawaz

Department of Electrical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan, Jaipur-302017 (INDIA),

Rida Qureshi

Department of Electrical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan, Jaipur-302017 (INDIA)

Pages: 25-27


The power distribution system has more real power losses than transmission system. Allocation of shunt capacitors in RDN acting a crucial role for reducing real & reactive power loss and also for enhancing bus voltages. This paper presents a power loss sensitivity technique to find out optimal size and location of shunt capacitors. The objective function is formulated to maximize net annual saving. The performance of the projected technique is experienced on 33 bus test distribution system. Obtain results are also compared with the results of other latest approaches and found that the proposed approach has superior ability in finding best solution.
