Title: Car of Tommorow


Yusuf Saleh

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria,

Mahmood Abdulhameed

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria

Pages: 48-51


Driving safe is to reduce accident risk due to over- speeding, distractions, by diversion during invisibility in bad weathers, on bridges, sharp bends and hilly roads. Also accidents caused by late identification of vehicles. Alert/warning can be used to avoid unnecessary diversion. Speed limit signs are missed by
road users to regulate speed in sensitive areas and bad weather. Lane guidance practice is a line to separate lanes, sign boards used for sharp bends and speed limits and car lights and horn for identification between vehicles (all conditional). New technology alerts driver when off his lane by line sensing in those conditions and areas, alert other road users and also sharp bend warning included with signs/indications in the car. Speed limit built in the
car for attention of drivers in all conditions of the road, it is activated to indicate zone speed limit in the car and all road signs can also be built in the car. Vehicles identify each other at six (6) kilometer by their type (ID), count and distance. Also ID used as tracking for traffic control/data and security. A car is to demonstrate the proposed technology with devices/sensors to activate functions above .
