Title: Musical Blues in Sherman Alexie's Reservation Blues


Nidhi Sharma

Department of English, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology Management & Gramothan, Jaipur-302017 (INDIA)

Pages: 85-87


The present paper examines the stereotypical and dormant constructs of Native Americans and contrasts these with Alexie's view of Native American realities past and present, and his vision of how to survive against the claims of a predominant white environment. The prime part in the novel explores in detail how Alexie's plot sets a tone for cultural sensitivity (with a focus on music, storytelling, and religion) against the prevalent real-life situations that eventually creates an optimistic blending of Indian, white, and black cultural zones, enabling the main character to struggle against the odds. To him, culture is an indispensable act of balance between the cultural change and preservation. In respect to the conception of cultural others' in general and Native
Americans in specific, this vividly contextualized and historicized trans-cultural narrative coloured with a multimedia approach sensitizes the students and questions them about their own internal and external cultural perspectives— a self-reflection evidently vital to the process of intercultural assimilation of knowledge.
