Title: Evaluation of Existing Pedestrian Facilities and Its Potential Improvements


Anirudh Mathur MATHUR

SKIT, Jaipur,

Piyush Pashupati Pandey


Nikhil Kumar Sharma

Department of Civil Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan Jaipur, INDIA


Walkability is a mostly used way of moving from one place to other. In recent times it has been affected due to the rise in vehicles on the road and it reduces the smooth mobility of pedestrians. Jaipur has seen a rapid increase in population and no. of accidents. Stretch is selected based on land use as it is 3.6 km. problems were identified and public opinion was also carried out to find out their concerns and needs. Based on their responses, suggestions and improvements are provided.
