Title: A Quiet Man: J.M. Coetzee as an Author of the Works of Isolation


Sheeba Anjum

Department of English, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur- 302017(INDIA)


The paper explores J.M. Coetzee's position as a writer of the works of Isolation. Isolation is a recurrent theme in his works. He presents the idea of Isolation uniquely because all are born alone and will die alone. The paper deals with a few of his significant works- In the Heart of the Country (1977), Disgrace (1999), and Slow Man (2005), all highlight the role of Isolation. The protagonists of these works are lonely and frustrated beings because they face acute and abject Isolation in their lives. Therefore, the paper attempts to discuss Isolation in the lives of the characters of the selected novels and how it can be a quest for identity.
