Title: Productivity Improvement of Single Basin Solar Still Having Heat Pipe Arrangement: An Experimental Study for Jaipur


Pankaj Sharma

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan Jaipur-302017, (INDIA),

Chandan Kumar

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan Jaipur-302017, (INDIA),

Amit Kumar Bansal

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan Jaipur-302017, (INDIA)

Pages: 81-85


Solar still is a device to purify the dirty  water by application of solar thermal energy. It is a device for generating pure water without using any conventional energy. In solar still various factors are affecting the productivity of this device like solar intensity, water depth, external arrangement for condensation improvement etc. In present research work a circular tube arrangement is installed for this device setup. The experiments are conduct for Jaipur
from 1st June to 10th June for full day field experiments. In this research work effect of water depth is studied for full day analysis. The results show
that by application heat pipe, productivity of solar still is increased by 10 to 20% for these experiments which are good agreement for this research work
