Title: Enhancing Self-Esteem at Workplace for Improved Productivity


Sanjeev Kumar Mathur

Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan, Jaipur-302017 (INDIA),

Shivani Mathur

Department of Home Science, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur – 302015

Pages: 109-114


It is often seen that organizational employees are not tantamount to one another when it comes to their organizational performance. There is a class of employees who are exceptionally brilliant with full blown attitude for gratitude in whatever they do in the organization. They inculcate a feeling that every
small step taken forward is a step toward achieving something meaningful and bigger for organizational success. They take pride in everything they get
involved with.
Such employees feel good about themselves. They are apathetic to any surrounding negativity and wrap themselves up with an attire of positivity. They spread out positivism and are highly infectious with this characteristic. They are uncompromising and stubborn with their self – esteem. They use their self-
esteem as a catalyst to enhance their performance and thereby, benefit the organization.
In this paper, we shall discuss all those features that sharpen and embolden self-esteem of employees for improved productivity at work place.
