Title: A case study on traffic data analysis and suggestions for congestion removal at Rambagh intersection of Jaipur city


Anirudh Mathur

Department of Civil Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur, India,

Sitaram Saini

Department of Civil Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur, India,

Abhishek Sharma

Department of Civil Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur, India

Pages: 1-6



In today's growing world traffic management is an important aspect for efficient flow of traffic. The problem worked out in present study is mainly traffic congestion. Congestion of traffic creates a major problem of delay and path fluctuations for the road users, it also affects the environment and causes hindrance to the pedestrians. The present study focuses on the existing traffic congestion conditions at the Rambagh intersection. To identify the problems and possible solutions to ease in traffic movement. A detailed study has been carried out in terms of measurements, location, bus stops, amenities, potential hazard points, etc. Google earth Pro software is used for the measurements at Rambagh intersection. Traffic Data Extractor software is being used for collecting the traffic volume count at the intersection. The analysis of traffic movement count has been done and outputs in form of hourly variations, vehicle-wise variation etc. have been computed. This study will help find out the effective strategies for traffic congestion and their management and focus on easing the traffic movement at Rambagh intersection which will help in reducing travel time, pollution and other issues related to transportation. The various measures to improve existing features and infrastructure have been suggested to make surroundings user-friendly.
