Title: Tribological characterization of SiC/Co hybrid reinforced 6061 Aluminum alloy composites


Monu Gupta

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of technology, Management and Gramothan, Jaipur 302017 (India)

Pages: 1-4



Vehicles and aviation applications require materials that have adjusted mechanical and tribological properties. It is truly challenging to accomplish these altered properties in any mono-lithic material. Aluminum compounds are the most taken advantage of materials in different fields of applica-tions including Automobiles and aviation because of a portion of its fundamental properties.

The Al 6061 alloy has been used as matrix material while % wt of cobalt is fixed at 3% while silicon carbide altered from 0% to 3% have been used as reinforcement materials.

The center target to examine the impact of air erosion conditions on wear pace of devel-oped MMCs of SiC and Co powder filled Al 6061 Composites. In the current work, the alu-minium based metal framework composites have been manufactured. It was uncovered that MMC with 3%wt of SiC, 3%wt of Co showed brilliant mechanical properties among the all manufactured metal framework composites.
