Requirement of electricity is increasing day by day, to fulfil the demand more power plants either they are conventional or renewable are also growing in numbers consequently. Extracting the power from power plants and to supply the load more transmission and distribution lines are needed, this makes the power system more bulky and sensitive to disturbances. Moreover the installation of new lines is not an easy task as there are some limitations due to financial and right of way aspects, so the growth of such lines is slower than expected. More and more power flowing through the existing lines touching there maximum thermal limit or the stability limits of generators. A small disturbance (series / shunt faults, outage of generators etc.) in power system can cause complete grid failure. FACTS devices are the best solution of such problems as they can maintain reactive power level in power system either by supplying or absorbing it. In this paper impact of Static VAr Compensator (SVC) on Rajasthan Power System is presented using Mipower simulation tool.