Title: Microbiological Assay of Amoxycillin and the Photoproduct: A Simple Method to Assess the Toxicity of Photoproducts of Antibiotics in Wastewater


Sangeeta Vyas

Department of Chemistry, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan, Jaipur-302017 (INDIA)

Pages: 60-61


Antibiotics released from pharmaceutical industries, hospital wastewater and even disposed into domestic wastewater after use, reach wastewater treatment plants and surface waters and act as micropollutants. The ecotoxicity of these antibiotics has been studied widely. In the present paper the toxic effect of Amoxycillin, one of the commonly used antibiotic has been compared with the toxic effect of photoproduct of Amoxycillin. Photocatalysis of Amoxycillin has been carried out earlier for the oxidation of Amoxycillin from wastewater. Toxic effect of the photoproduct has been found to be reduced to 75% of the original substrate.
